The Gym Bag: St. Charles soccer teams hand out trophies to kids with special needs, 10-pin event set to fund –

Members of St. Charles' soccer program, front row, pose with a group of kids with special needs from TOPSoccer during a trophy presentation on Saturday. (Photo courtesy of Chris Haynes)
St. Charles soccer coach Chris Haynes and his players are doing the right thing in the community.
The girls donated and presented trophies to a group of soccer-playing kids with special needs from a program called TOPSoccer last Saturday at the Owl Hollow fields in Greenridge.
“It was amazing to see their smiles and (show people that) not all coaches are bad,” said Haynes, referring to some of the ugly incidents in the news involving coaches in youth sports.
Haynes said St. Charles’ 11U, 8U and 7U teams, named the Mermaids, Strikers and Red Foxes, were involved.
“These kids always get medals so we felt why not give them a trophy,” said Haynes. “So (St. Charles) director Mike Lind reached out and we came up with this idea. We donated all of them.”
Country Lanes will host a Rock 'n Bowl to fund local veterans. (Country graphic)
Bowling for a good cause
The Rab’s Wilkinson Foundation, named after the late bowling proprietor of Rab’s Country Lanes, has always done good deeds.
And that will be no different on Sunday July 31, 2022, when the Foundation will host the Inaugural Rock ‘n Bowl, a local Vets Fundraiser, at Country Lanes.
“This new event, which we hope will become a longstanding Staten Island community tradition, brings together live music and bowling to raise money for our local veterans and veteran programs,” said Frank Wilkinson, the proprietor at Rab’s.
Event organizers are seeking contributions to support the mission to enhance the event.
“Generous donors like you are the key to our success and make it possible for the Rab Wilkinson Foundation to fuel local projects that enrich the lives of our local community for those who need it most. We hope we can count on your support,” said Frank Wilkinson.
Your donation will be listed in the event program, website, and on social media platforms. Organizers also welcome monetary donations as well as donations in kind for the raffle table.
Please mail your donation to 1600 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, N.Y., 10305 or call 718-979-1600 to pledge your support. You may also contribute online at
The St. Joseph Hill Academy golfers captured the Dr. Theodore Atlas-CYO Golf Tournament at Silver Lake Golf Course. From left, are Coach Max White, Quinn Turnbull, Marco Bagliore, Vincent Mohan, Matthew Sheikowitz and Coach Craig Sheikowitz. (Photo courtesy of Ida Caputo)
Hill cops Atlas-CYO Junior golf event
The St. Joseph Hill Academy golfers captured the Dr. Theodore Atlas-CYO Golf Tournament Tuesday at Silver Lake Golf Course.
The members of the team consisted of Quinn Turnbull, Marco Bagliore, Vincent Mohan and Matthew Sheikowitz, Theo Beinert and Olivia Pietrunti
The team was coached by Max White, Craig Sheikowitz and Dave McNeally.
Do you have any good sports news? Send it our way
The Gym Bag publishes on Wednesdays on the web and will appear in the Staten Island Advance shortly after. This is where we will feature short stories, tidbits and morsels about your players or teams going forward in place of the daily game results we used to take.
You can send us interesting information about your team after a strong start to the season, a championship season, a first win, a player who did something extraordinary in a particular game or event, etc.
If you have any news or tidbits like that, please email the sports desk at where we will evaluate the message and see if the content qualifies for our notebook.
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