The ultimate beginner guide to the gym | Health & Wellness | – fine homes and living

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Updated: October 22, 2022 @ 8:19 am
Image of Athletes looking in tablet computer at gym

Image of Athletes looking in tablet computer at gym
50% of the people’s new year resolution is to get fit. Some of them desire to lose weight, and others wish to gain some muscles to stand out among all. But 80% of them fail due to fear of going to the gym. 
One who did not step into the gym imagines the gym as a scary place because they do not have any knowledge about the gym machines. Others do not know how to wear and what gear is needed for gyming. While some other does not know which exercise will make them fit. But you do not need to worry. You will hit your fitness goal this year because you have reached the right place. Let us dive into the comprehensive beginner guide to the gym. 
Exercising while suffering from an underlying health issue may be a risk for you, so it is better to go for pre-exercise screening. 
When you go to the gym, your trainer will first ask about your goal, and the very next question you will be asked is your medical condition. After having this information, your trainer will decide which workout will suit you.
Here are a few health conditions that need to be disclosed to your gym trainer:
Suffering from cardiac issues
Fainting or dizziness during physical activity
Joint, muscles, or bones issue, like arthritis or so
Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Asthma or difficulty in breathing during exercise.
Any major operation in the past few months.
Chest pain while lifting the load.
Before starting your workout classes, you need to first take a brief tour of the gym to learn the club culture. On your first day, set a meeting with the staff, visit the facility, ask some questions and learn about the machine you are interested in using. 
Before starting, ask yourself a few questions. 
Do you want to put on some extra muscles?
Are you trying to lose weight or improve your health?
For a fruitful workout, set a plan and discuss it with your certified trainer so that he will tell you how you can achieve this goal. Knowing your goal is the necessary step if you want to benefit from the workout.
Once you have been inducted into the gym and selected your exercise. Now it is time to set your schedule.
Most people say that morning exercise is the best because it keeps you active throughout the day, but there is no prime time for physical activity. You can go to the gym at 7 am or at 7 pm, doing exercise any time is the best. 
Before deciding your time for a workout, listen to your biological clock. If your body says no in the morning, do not push it. By ignoring your internal clock, you might lose your interest and energy in the gym before achieving your goal. 
Split your workout sessions once or twice a week to give your body a chance to recover.
If you want to increase the frequency, then reduce the intensity. For example, if you are scheduled to go to the gym regularly, avoid doing intensive exercise each day.
After scheduling the sessions, it is time to gear up. Assembling the gym gear is not essential and it does not affect your goal, but it is needed for your convenience.  
The first thing that should be considered in your workout gear is your gym clothes. Your gym cloth should be lightweight and made of cotton or polyester. Avoid denim or replica shirts for gyming. 
The second gear for your daily workout is your gym shoes. For gyming, you should have durable, sturdy, and breathable shoes. The gym shoes should have curved soles so you grip the floor firmly.
Prepare a gym bag and keep all other essentials in it. Your gym bag should carry a sweat-whipping towel, a post-workout snack, and a water bottle. Staying hydrated is very essential while exercising, so do not forget to bring a water bottle with you. The other accessory items are a lifting belt that will help your spine in lifting the load and the fitness tracker. 
After an induction class, you have a little bit of knowledge about the machines, but it is necessary to know which machine serves your purpose. A group of equipment is used to strengthen your muscles and other uses for losing weight, so one must have comprehensive information about each piece of equipment.
A list of equipment comes under cardio machines: elliptical, treadmill, stationary bicycle, stair climber, and rowing machine. Using these machines for workouts increases the heart rate, and the heart starts pumping blood more efficiently to the body. It strengthens your heart muscle and helps you in losing weight. 
If you want to focus on a single group of muscles, you should try resistance machines. The equipment through which you can focus on isolated areas of your body is the chest press, tricep press, leg press, bicep curl, lat pulldown, and seated row. These machines are used to build muscle mass.
Before starting a workout, the most important thing a beginner should consider is the plan. If you start doing your exercise without a goal, you will end up with an unwanted result. But after reading the ultimate beginner guide to the gym, you will step up to the journey of becoming a gym pro.  
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