Phase one of Lethbridge's curbside organics collection begins – Lethbridge News Now

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Approximately 1,900 homes in Lethbridge are now equipped with green bins.
The City of Lethbridge has launched phase one of its organics collection program with areas in Varsity Village, Legacy Ridge, and Hardieville taking part. Collection in those neighbourhoods will begin on May 12, 2022.
Waste and Recycling Manager James Nicholls says the three areas were chosen for a variety of reasons including socioeconomics, tree cover, the size of the roads, lane versus front collection, and tonnage.
The city hopes to learn a lot during the initial rollout phase that will help with the city-wide implementation in spring 2023.
Nicholls says a couple of examples of this are how much organic waste each household will dispose of and whether or not there will be sizable differences in each area.
“That helps us make decision-making processes like determining how big our routes need to be for our collection vehicles, determining how many staff we’re going to need, what areas of the city are going to produce more versus less, and then working out things like our education and outreach.”
For homes in phase one, the green bins will be picked up once per week until November, when they will move to biweekly pickup.
Collection schedules for garbage and recycling are currently planned to stay how they are once the city-wide rollout happens, although Nicholls says that could change depending on the feedback they get during the pilot.
Residents will be able to put most types of organic materials in their green bins such as cooked and raw foods, napkins, paper plates, grass clippings, tea bags, coffee grinds, and bones.
If you are unsure of which bin a certain type of waste goes into, you can use the Waste Wizard on the City of Lethbridge website or download the free Lethbridge Loop app on iOS and Android devices. You can also phone Lethbridge 311 with any waste-related questions.
READ MORE: Curbside Organics program starting in Lethbridge in 2023
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