A part of good health and fitness is stretching – WCNC.com

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — It’s time to get fit and get your wall assisted or chair assisted stretch on.
Fitness Coach Kara McConaghy from Yoga4elite athletes is here to walk us through 4 exercises.
A part of good health and fitness is stretching.  Stretching allows you to maintain good flexibility and blood flow throughout the muscles of the body.
Here are some stretches to help you get started.
Exercise 1:  Posture Check Stretch
Find a wall and place your heels,  bottom,  shoulder blades and back against it.  Pull your core in tight and try to stretch your head to the ceiling.  Maintaining good posture is a *must in everything we do from sitting , standing and running. This stretch will help you with aligning your body correctly. Hold this stretch for 30-45 seconds.
Exercise 2: Shoulder Opener Stretch
Grab a chair and  place your hands on the chair and hinge forwad as you stretch forth your head should be in line with your hands on the chairt.  This is a good stretch for the shoulder and neck area. Hold this stretch for 60 seconds
Exercise 3: Pigeon Pose
This lower body stretch is ideal for the novice runner , jogger , hiker and athlete just starting out.  This exercise will increase circulation place your legs on the chair in a folding position.  Push on your knee to get more flexibility.  Repeat the other side.  Hold for 60 seconds.
Exercise 4: Hamstring Stretch
From the pigeon pose take your legs straight up vertically on the chair or the wall. This is a good stretch making sure your glutes and hamstring are working properly. .  This stretch works on flexibility and strength in the area you need it most, your legs.
For more workout visit Yoga4EliteAthletes.com and on social media @Yoga4EliteAthletes
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