Here's why Pokemon Go players are demanding changes to gyms –

Pokemon Go players is demanding some changes to gyms, a big part of the mobile game. Here’s why.
Pokemon Go players are accustomed to running into glitches and bugs in the popular mobile game. But while these are often fixed by developer Niantic in a timely manner, there are some core gameplay issues that have stuck around for far too long. Recently, some players have taken issue with the nature of gyms in Pokemon Go, especially ones in smaller towns.
Many Pokemon trainers are calling the gym system “broken” since gyms in small towns will often keep Pokemon for days on end. Due to having a less active base of players, oftentimes Pokemon will be in a gym for several days at a time, but trainers still won’t see a worthy amount of coins.
Many Pokemon Go players chimed in with similar experiences. Some players even had Pokemon trapped in a gym for well over a month in rural areas.
“I really wish they’d find some compromise because this can be very annoying. Having multiple Pokémon at gyms for multiple days only to get 50 coins when they all get knocked out on the same day. Something as simple as earning candies after max coins are reached would at least be something,” one Reddit user said.
But small-town trainers weren’t the only players who voiced frustration with the Pokemon Go gym system. Trainers in larger cities have the opposite problem. A Pokemon player in New York City noted that they can’t keep a Pokemon in a gym for more than five minutes.
The Pokemon community had many easy fixes they want implemented to address the ongoing gym issue in Pokemon Go.
Some said the biggest problems concern the cap on coins. It was proposed that people with Pokemon in a gym should also get candies after the max coins are reached. Or perhaps the cap could be raised to 100 coins.
Another solution was to allow trainers to recall their Pokemon. This would allow players to get back their most powerful allies while also gaining a few coins.
Whether it’s players in large cities only having their Pokemon in a gym for a few minutes without getting any coins, or rural players losing their Pokemon to a gym for a week just to get a small number coins, Pokemon Go players are demanding a change to gyms from Niantic.


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