Wayne Fitness Center Still Works to Build Back Up After COVID-19 – VISTA.Today

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Like many gyms in the region, La Maison Health and Fitness in Wayne is still building back up from COVID-19 closures as it deals with lower enrollments and supply chain costs, writes Erin McCarthy for the Philadelphia Inquirer
However, the biggest headache for the owners was the equipment. 
“If a treadmill went down, trying to get the replacement parts” was a challenge, said Lisa Alberta, marketing director for La Maison. 
The gym saw a steep decline in membership, which halved from pre-pandemic 4,000 to the current 2,000. To offset this member drop-off, La Maison implemented three levels of membership, including cheaper and more expensive options. 
Owning the building and not having to worry about rent was also immensely helpful. 
Read more about La Maison Health and Fitness in the Philadelphia Inquirer
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