Driving Sustainable Agricultural Development in Angola through Renewables – Energy Capital & Power

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With a current electrification rate of 10% in rural areas, the Government of Angola has instituted an ambitious plan to establish incentives and implement a program for the productive use of renewable energies to address rural and agricultural demand.
The country’s long-term electrification strategy, the Angola 2025 Plan, has laid out an approach to develop renewable energy systems for more than 200 agricultural communities in the southern African country, with a stated goal of pursuing the development of small-scale off-grid projects, easing access to solar photovoltaic (PV) energy systems and reaching 500 MW of energy production through biomass from sources such as forestry, agriculture, livestock and solid waste.
Scheduled for commercial operation by the end of 2023, the 35 MWp Quilemba solar PV power plant, located in the capital of Angola’s Huila Province, Lubango, will allow the southern African country to harness its solar potential while providing sustainable and clean energy to one of the country’s largest agriculture hubs. The Quilemba solar PV plant comes as part of Angola’s ambition to reach 800 MW of installed capacity through renewable energy by 2025 and will be developed, financed, built and operated by oil and gas supermajor, TotalEnergies, along with renewable energy company, GreenTech. The plant will enable significant fuel savings for the region and provide a competitive power supply to Angola’s power network.
Meanwhile, poised to contribute towards the sustainable development of Angola’s agriculture sector and assist the country in attaining its 2025 target while enhancing opportunities within the agro-livestock sector, biotechnology research company, Biocom, in coordination with the Government of Angola, has plans to construct a 100 MW biomass project near the city of Malanje in the northern part of the country.
Additionally, in cooperation with the country’s Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment, the Government of Angola has established incentives to support the development and construction of small bio-digesters for individual use in the agricultural sector, as well as incineration units for waste fuels that have the potential to generate up to 50 MW of off-grid energy. The sector is also poised to utilize solar systems for the purpose of drying food, develop electric mill systems based on renewable energies and implement systems of water pumping for agricultural use.
Defined as a high priority for the Government of Angola and in accordance with the country’s 2025 Plan, the productive use of renewable energy in agricultural communities will serve to increase electric power availability while diversifying the economy and assisting the country meet the increasing energy demand of a growing population. The productive use of efficient and reliable energy in the country’s agricultural industry is a requisite for activities such as water pumping, drying and milling, with sustainable agriculture development being noted by the Government as imperative for the southern African country to improve its economy while addressing energy disparity.
With an abundance of arable land, climatic conditions suitable for the development of a variety of agricultural products, as well as an abundance of renewable energy resources, Angola holds immense potential to become an agricultural powerhouse on the African continent. With merely 10% of its 350,000km2 of arable land currently being cultivated, and with an identified potential for 16.3 GW of solar power, 3.9 GW of wind power and 18 GW of hydropower throughout the country, Angola has the potential to revitalize and adapt its agricultural sector while attaining its goals of sustainable socioeconomic development.
During the country’s premier energy event, Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) – the third edition of which is set to take place from 29-30 November to 1 December this year in Luanda – opportunities for driving agriculture development on the back of renewables will be further unpacked. Uniting regional energy leaders, global financiers and movers and shakers from across the oil, gas and renewable spectrums, AOG 2022 represents the best platform for discussions on Angola’s energy and economic future can be held.
For more information about AOG 2022, visit www.angolaoilandgas2022.com
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By utilizing renewable energy to power its agricultural sector, Angola has the opportunity to diversify its economy, promote socioeconomic development and bring energy security to its rural population.
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