Organics at a glance –

Information on the aims of EU organic policy, the organic logo and legislation on organic production, distribution and marketing, as well as frequently asked questions relating to the organic sector.
Organic farming is an agricultural method that aims to produce food using natural substances and processes. This means that organic farming tends to have a limited environmental impact as it encourages:
Additionally, organic farming rules encourage a high standard of animal welfare and require farmers to meet the specific behavioural needs of animals.
European Union regulations on organic farming are designed to provide a clear structure for the production of organic goods across the whole of the EU. This is to satisfy consumer demand for trustworthy organic products whilst providing a fair marketplace for producers, distributors and marketers.
In order for farmers to derive benefits from organic farming methods, consumers need to trust that the rules on organic production are being followed. Therefore, the EU maintains the following strict system of control and enforcement to guarantee that organics rules and regulations are being followed properly. As organic farming is part of a larger supply chain which encompasses food processing, distribution and retail sectors, these are also subject to checks.
The organic logo gives a coherent visual identity to EU produced organic products sold in the EU. This makes it easier for EU based consumers to identify organic products and helps farmers to market them across all EU countries.
The organic logo can only be used on products that have been certified as organic by an authorised control agency or body. This means that they have fulfilled strict conditions on how they are produced, transported and stored.
Organic farming is a fast growing area in EU agriculture, which is a direct result of increased consumer interest in organic products. In response to the challenges posed by this rapid expansion, and in order to provide an effective legal framework for the industry, the EU passed new legislation relating to the organic sector which applies from 1 January 2022.
Examples of the changes that made under the new organic legislation include:
The new organic legislation is supported by the action plan for organic production in the EU, which was launched by the European Commission in March 2021.
The future of organics
The EU sets out a number of rules and regulations governing the production, distribution and marketing of organic products in the EU. There are specific regulations related to particular products.
The EU consults with stakeholders and the general public to improve the quality of its legislation and this cooperation also extends to the organics sector.
Legislation for the organics sector
Co-operation and expert advice

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